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About Us

Buurtzorg - health and care services

Australia, like many countries, is facing a growing challenge of an aging population, an increasing demand on health and care services and spiralling costs that are unsustainable. We have seen and experienced firsthand the challenges being faced by organisations who are entrusted to deliver the care and service to the Australian population.

Future Proof Australia has brought Buurtzorg to Australia to work collaboratively with care and service providers to provide opportunities, capabilities and a new way of thinking. We bring the best of global experiences and will address fragmented care, poor staffing and undesirable outcomes.


Buurtzorg continues to influence and lead innovation across the care system in the Netherlands and internationally. Since the first team was created in 2006 Buurtzorg Netherlands has grown rapidly to 850 teams and 10,000 nurses. At home and across the world Buurtzorg is supporting providers to transition to its model of care.

Last years Buurtzorg transformed two competing Dutch care companies. Both are now enjoying similar gains in productivity and staff and client satisfaction.

Building on this success Buurtzorg has developed and applied its innovative approaches to Children and Families, Mental health, domestic support and more.

Integrated Community Care

Buurtzorg +

Community Mental Health Services

Buurtzorg T


Collaboration is key to Buurtzorg’s model of care and its operating model; this has seen the organisation collaborate in new areas such as Mental Health and Children & Families.

It has inspired other care organisations and Buurtzorg has collaborated with these organisations too; increasingly the interest is international and Buurtzorg has established an international team to lead on collaborations all around the world.

Amstelring adopts Buurtzorg way - with great results

Matthias van Alphen, Director of Neighbourhood Care, Amstelring
Amstelring Wijkzorg

Buurtzorg Web is used by over 10,000 nurses on their iPads. New applications are in development with Apple

Apple Inc.